Special Business Meeting
A special business meeting will be help for the ordination of Pastor Jake Henshaw
A special business meeting will be help for the ordination of Pastor Jake Henshaw
Ladies Bible Study will be hosted by Pastor Henshaw's wife Megaly Henshaw at their home. Please ask Megaly for directions.
Regular business meeting. During this Wednesday Evening Service we will meet to discuss the business matters of relating to the Church.
The annual Fall Bible Conference will be held Sunday - Wednesday Oct 20-23 in the evenings only. This conference will feature speakers Evangelist Monte Leavell and Dr. Bud Steadman. Conference focus verse Psalm 89:1. Also, a ladies luncheon will feature … Continue reading
Please join us on Saturday December 21 at 1:00 pm to sing carols and visit with our neighbors. Meet at the church.
Join us for an evening of reflection on the birth of our Savior on Sunday, December 24, at 6pm.
All are welcome to join us for an evening of singing and praising God. We encourage you to prepare and share special music.
For those interested in playing board games and such and eat some treats, you are invited to join us at IBC on New Years Eve at around 6pm.
Join us for our monthly communion service on the evening of 4/7/2024
Ladies Sunday School will resume on January 12. The topic for this quarter will be "prayer"
The IBC annual business meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 17 at 7:00pm. All members are encouraged to attend. Guests are welcome to attend.
Lonita Lohse, our missionary to Papua New Guinea, will join us on Sunday, January 26 to give a presentation on the ministry in at South Simbu Christian Academy