Quarterly Business Meeting

Regular business meeting.  During this Wednesday Evening Service we will meet to discuss the business matters of relating to the Church

Ladies Craft Day at IBC

Bring your favorite craft or come to learn a new one!  All ladies welcome, bring a friend.  Bring a dish to share.

Silent Auction

IBC will be hosting a silent auction and dinner to assist the Clark Family.   Please join us on Saturday, August 10, from 3:00pm-5:00pm to bless the Clark's in their time of need. Also, if you would like to donate an … Continue reading

Communion Sunday

Join us for our monthly communion service on the evening of 4/7/2024

Mens Bible Study

A new men's Bible study will begin on Saturdays, to be held every two weeks,  Please see Pastor Henshaw for details.  Next will be held on Sept 21.

Pastor Jake Henshaw Ordination

Everyone is invited to attend Assistant Pastor Jake Henshaw's official ordination to be held at IBC on Oct 5th at 10am.